Competition: Sprint allround in the World Cup
- Rink:
Karuizawa (JPN) - Date:
- 09. - 10.12.1989
- Records:
- 2x National Record
- 1x National Record Juniors
- 1x Track Record
- 2x Championship Record
- 1x Championship Record Master AG 30
- 1x Age Group Record B1/B2
- 1x Age Group Record A1/A2
- 28x Seasonal Best
- 1x Personal Best
- Information:
- 51 athletes from 16 nations
- 14 women and 37 men
- 4 distances (1000m (1. Race), 1000m (2. Race), 500m (1. Race), 500m (2. Race))
- 204 races (3x mit DNF/DNS/DQ)
Women , Samalog - Sprint Combination 500m/1000m/500m/1000m 09. - 10.12.1989
Angela Hauck | Bonnie Blair | Seiko Hashimoto | Xiuli Wang | Christine Aaftink | Edel Therese Høiseth | Seon-Hee Yoo | Chihaya Tanaka | Else Ragni Yttredal | Anita Loorbach | Rie Ootsuki | Shiho Kusunose | Midori Morohashi | Aneta Rekas | |
-0.82 | -1.52 | -4.62 | -4.54 | -5.43 | -7.64 | -7.99 | -8.39 | -10.90 | -9.65 | -10.16 | -12.13 | -16.52 | ||
+0.82 | -0.69 | -3.80 | -3.72 | -4.60 | -6.82 | -7.17 | -7.56 | -10.08 | -8.82 | -9.34 | -11.31 | -15.70 | ||
+1.52 | +0.69 | -3.10 | -3.02 | -3.91 | -6.13 | -6.47 | -6.87 | -9.38 | -8.13 | -8.65 | -10.62 | -15.00 | ||
+4.62 | +3.80 | +3.10 | +0.08 | -0.81 | -3.02 | -3.37 | -3.77 | -6.28 | -5.03 | -5.54 | -7.51 | -11.90 | ||
+4.54 | +3.72 | +3.02 | -0.08 | -0.89 | -3.10 | -3.45 | -3.85 | -6.36 | -5.11 | -5.63 | -7.59 | -11.98 | ||
+5.43 | +4.60 | +3.91 | +0.81 | +0.89 | -2.22 | -2.56 | -2.96 | -5.47 | -4.22 | -4.74 | -6.71 | -11.09 | ||
+7.64 | +6.82 | +6.13 | +3.02 | +3.10 | +2.22 | -0.35 | -0.75 | -3.26 | -2.00 | -2.52 | -4.49 | -8.88 | ||
+7.99 | +7.17 | +6.47 | +3.37 | +3.45 | +2.56 | +0.35 | -0.40 | -2.91 | -1.66 | -2.17 | -4.14 | -8.53 | ||
+8.39 | +7.56 | +6.87 | +3.77 | +3.85 | +2.96 | +0.75 | +0.40 | -2.51 | -1.26 | -1.78 | -3.75 | -8.13 | ||
+10.90 | +10.08 | +9.38 | +6.28 | +6.36 | +5.47 | +3.26 | +2.91 | +2.51 | +1.25 | +0.74 | -1.23 | -5.62 | ||
+9.65 | +8.82 | +8.13 | +5.03 | +5.11 | +4.22 | +2.00 | +1.66 | +1.26 | -1.25 | -0.52 | -2.49 | -6.88 | ||
+10.16 | +9.34 | +8.65 | +5.54 | +5.63 | +4.74 | +2.52 | +2.17 | +1.78 | -0.74 | +0.52 | -1.97 | -6.36 | ||
+12.13 | +11.31 | +10.62 | +7.51 | +7.59 | +6.71 | +4.49 | +4.14 | +3.75 | +1.23 | +2.49 | +1.97 | -4.39 | ||
+16.52 | +15.70 | +15.00 | +11.90 | +11.98 | +11.09 | +8.88 | +8.53 | +8.13 | +5.62 | +6.88 | +6.36 | +4.39 | ||