Athlete Data of Sergej Stsjetnikov

Profile image of Sergej Stsjetnikov
Soviet Union (-1991)
Native language:
Сергей Щетников
Current state:
Retired (M65)
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Total 8 competitions over the Big combination distance
Time / PointsRankCompetitionDateLocation
45.10 24 Pervenstvo SSR 06. - 09.01.1978 Moscow (RUS)
45.10 16 Tsjempionat Tss Dinamo 22. - 25.01.1977 Kiew (UKR)
45.20 47 Pervestvo Sssr Sredi Juniorov 15. - 18.01.1977 Ivanovo (RUS)
46.50 51 Pervenstvo SSR Junior 14. - 17.02.1976 Rjazan (RUS)
42.50 21 Nationales Rennen 20. - 21.01.1976 Alma Ata (KAZ)
44.13 8 Nationales Rennen 12. - 15.01.1976 Alma Ata (KAZ)
45.50 18 National 14.12.1975 Sjadrinsk (RUS)
46.40 48 Molodast Sverdlovska 21. - 22.11.1975 Jekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk) (RUS)
Last Update: 23.01.2025
Total 7 competitions over the Small combination distance
Time / PointsRankCompetitionDateLocation
4:56.70 7 Tsjempionat Tss Dinamo 22. - 25.01.1977 Kiew (UKR)
4:59.50 33 Pervenstvo SSR Junior 14. - 17.02.1976 Rjazan (RUS)
4:42.80 19 Nationales Rennen 20. - 21.01.1976 Alma Ata (KAZ)
4:45.25 6 Nationales Rennen 12. - 15.01.1976 Alma Ata (KAZ)
4:53.40 8 National 14.12.1975 Sjadrinsk (RUS)
4:58.60 21 Molodast Sverdlovska 21. - 22.11.1975 Jekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk) (RUS)
NC - National 17.11.1975 Jekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk) (RUS)
Last Update: 23.01.2025
Total 6 competitions over the Big combination distance
Time / PointsRankCompetitionDateLocation
8:17.50 10 Pervenstvo SSR 06. - 09.01.1978 Moscow (RUS)
8:22.90 4 Tsjempionat Tss Dinamo 22. - 25.01.1977 Kiew (UKR)
8:27.00 35 Pervestvo Sssr Sredi Juniorov 15. - 18.01.1977 Ivanovo (RUS)
NC - Pervenstvo SSR Junior 14. - 17.02.1976 Rjazan (RUS)
8:20.00 15 Nationales Rennen 20. - 21.01.1976 Alma Ata (KAZ)
8:14.90 5 Nationales Rennen 12. - 15.01.1976 Alma Ata (KAZ)
Last Update: 23.01.2025
Total 6 competitions over the Big combination distance
Time / PointsRankCompetitionDateLocation
2:17.40 18 Pervenstvo SSR 06. - 09.01.1978 Moscow (RUS)
2:23.00 10 Tsjempionat Tss Dinamo 22. - 25.01.1977 Kiew (UKR)
NC - Pervestvo Sssr Sredi Juniorov 15. - 18.01.1977 Ivanovo (RUS)
NC - Pervenstvo SSR Junior 14. - 17.02.1976 Rjazan (RUS)
2:16.60 21 Nationales Rennen 20. - 21.01.1976 Alma Ata (KAZ)
2:15.80 7 Nationales Rennen 12. - 15.01.1976 Alma Ata (KAZ)
Last Update: 23.01.2025
Total 2 competitions over the Big combination distance
Time / PointsRankCompetitionDateLocation
17:07.30 23 Pervenstvo SSR 06. - 09.01.1978 Moscow (RUS)
NC - Pervestvo Sssr Sredi Juniorov 15. - 18.01.1977 Ivanovo (RUS)
Last Update: 23.01.2025
Total 4 competitions over the Small combination distance
Time / PointsRankCompetitionDateLocation
192.505 7 Tsjempionat Tss Dinamo 22. - 25.01.1977 Kiew (UKR)
96.416 52 Pervenstvo SSR Junior 14. - 17.02.1976 Rjazan (RUS)
185.166 17 Nationales Rennen 20. - 21.01.1976 Alma Ata (KAZ)
186.428 7 Nationales Rennen 12. - 15.01.1976 Alma Ata (KAZ)
Last Update: 23.01.2025
Total 2 competitions over the Big combination distance
Time / PointsRankCompetitionDateLocation
192.014 16 Pervenstvo SSR 06. - 09.01.1978 Moscow (RUS)
95.900 44 Pervestvo Sssr Sredi Juniorov 15. - 18.01.1977 Ivanovo (RUS)
Last Update: 23.01.2025
Total 1 competitions over the Allround distance
Time / PointsRankCompetitionDateLocation
94.400 13 National 14.12.1975 Sjadrinsk (RUS)
Last Update: 23.01.2025