Athlete Data of Pieter Tuin

Profile image of Pieter Tuin
Current state:
Retired (Senior)
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Personal Bests:

DistancePersonal BestLocationEventDate
100 meter 13.78 Amsterdam (NED) Clubkampioenschappen Oa Gobad 14.03.2012
300 meter 31.91 Heerenveen (NED) HCA In Thialf 05.02.2014
500 meter 48.47 Hoorn (NED) HGI In Hoorn 09.01.2016
700 meter 1:17.53 Hoorn (NED) Recordraces GOBAD En VIKING 21.12.2013
1000 meter 1:38.16 Heerenveen (NED) HGI In Thialf 09.02.2016
1500 meter 2:44.12 Amsterdam (NED) Andantino Bokaal (2e Wedstrijd) 02.11.2014
3000 meter 6:06.58 Amsterdam (NED) Andantino Bokaal (3e Wedstrijd) 16.11.2014
Last Update: 22.01.2025


Event1st Rank2st Rank3st RankTotalTop-10Starts
Other International - 1 1 2 4 6
Other National 3 2 1 6 24 48
Last Update: 22.01.2025 (World Cup Podiums, Total and Top-10 are for Division-A, only)
Event1st Rank2st Rank3st RankTotalTop-10Starts
Amsterdam (NED) 2 2 1 5 17 35
Hoorn (NED) 1 - 1 2 6 10
Heerenveen (NED) - 1 - 1 5 7
Haarlem (NED) - - - - - 1
Alkmaar (NED) - - - - - 1
Last Update: 22.01.2025 (World Cup Podiums, Total and Top-10 are for Division-A, only)

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