Athlete Data of Jørn Ludahl

Profile image of Jørn Ludahl

Jřrn Ludahl

Current state:
Retired (M55)
Last competition:

Personal Bests:

DistancePersonal BestLocationEventDate
500 meter 39.46 Alma Ata (KAZ) Internationales Rennen 16.03.1987
1000 meter 1:18.95 Alma Ata (KAZ) Internationales Rennen 16.03.1987
1500 meter 2:05.40 Larvik (NOR) n/a 09.12.1984
3000 meter 4:24.65 Narvik (NOR) n/a 04.02.1984
5000 meter 7:46.48 Narvik (NOR) n/a 05.02.1984
Last Update: 22.01.2025

Established or current Recordholder:

TypeTime / PointsLocationCompetitionDate
1000 meter 1:21.40 Hundorp (NOR) Norwegian Junior Sprint Championships 1985 26.01.1985
Sprint combination 164.580 Hundorp (NOR) Norwegian Junior Sprint Championships 1985 26. - 27.01.1985
Mini combination 168.728 München (GER) Country Match FRG-NOR-SUI-AUT 18. - 19.02.1984
Small combination 174.449 Fagernes (NOR) Norwegian Junior Allround Championships 1984 04. - 05.02.1984
3000 meter 4:24.65 Fagernes (NOR) Norwegian Junior Allround Championships 1984 04.02.1984
1500 meter 2:06.80 Gjøvik (NOR) Nasjonalt 30.12.1983
1500 meter 2:10.70 Fagernes (NOR) Nasjonalt 06.03.1983
1500 meter 2:12.60 Jevnaker (NOR) Norwegian Youth Championships 1983 20.02.1983
2x500 meter 92.100 Country Match SWE-NOR Juniors 01. - 02.03.1980
Last Update: 22.01.2025
TypeTime / PointsLocationCompetitionDate
Sprint combination 164.580 Hundorp (NOR) Norwegian Junior Sprint Championships 1985 26. - 27.01.1985
1000 meter 1:21.40 Hundorp (NOR) Norwegian Junior Sprint Championships 1985 26.01.1985
Mini combination 168.728 München (GER) Country Match FRG-NOR-SUI-AUT 18. - 19.02.1984
3000 meter 4:24.65 Fagernes (NOR) Norwegian Junior Allround Championships 1984 04.02.1984
Small combination 174.449 Fagernes (NOR) Norwegian Junior Allround Championships 1984 04. - 05.02.1984
1500 meter 2:06.80 Gjøvik (NOR) Nasjonalt 30.12.1983
1500 meter 2:10.70 Fagernes (NOR) Nasjonalt 06.03.1983
1500 meter 2:12.60 Jevnaker (NOR) Norwegian Youth Championships 1983 20.02.1983
2x500 meter 92.100 Country Match SWE-NOR Juniors 01. - 02.03.1980
Last Update: 22.01.2025
TypeTime / PointsLocationCompetitionDate
3000 meter 4:42.80 Larvik (NOR) Utvidet Klubbløp 09.03.1982
Mini combination 177.006 Berlin (GER) Internationaler Juniorenwettkampf 06. - 07.03.1982
1000 meter 1:23.80 Larvik (NOR) Nasjonalt 02.03.1982
1500 meter 2:11.30 Larvik (NOR) Klubbløp 16.02.1982
1000 meter 1:23.90 Skedsmo (NOR) Nasjonalt 10.01.1982
Last Update: 22.01.2025


Event1st Rank2st Rank3st RankTotalTop-10Starts
World Championships Juniors - - - - - 2
National Championships - - - - - 5
National Championships Juniors 7 1 3 11 15 16
Country Match 4 - 1 5 10 10
Other International 16 8 3 27 32 36
Other National 125 14 6 145 170 175
Last Update: 22.01.2025 (World Cup Podiums, Total and Top-10 are for Division-A, only)

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