Athlete Data of Georgij Tsjernov

Profile image of Georgij Tsjernov
Soviet Union (-1991)
Native language:
Георгий Чернов
Current state:
Retired (M90)
Last competition:

Personal Bests:

DistancePersonal BestLocationEventDate
500 meter 43.80 Alma Ata (KAZ) USSR Allround Championships 1952 20.01.1952
1500 meter 2:15.60 Alma Ata (KAZ) USSR Allround Championships 1952 19.01.1952
3000 meter 5:31.50 St. Petersburg (Leningrad) (RUS) Match Of 5s Cities 06.01.1951
5000 meter 8:30.40 Alma Ata (KAZ) USSR Allround Championships 1952 20.01.1952
10.000 meter 17:22.50 (RUS) Season Stat 31.03.1953
Last Update: 23.01.2025

Established or current Recordholder:

TypeTime / PointsLocationCompetitionDate
1500 meter 2:15.60 Alma Ata (KAZ) USSR Allround Championships 1952 20.01.1952
Last Update: 23.01.2025
TypeTime / PointsLocationCompetitionDate
1500 meter 2:15.60 Alma Ata (KAZ) USSR Allround Championships 1952 20.01.1952
Last Update: 23.01.2025
TypeTime / PointsLocationCompetitionDate
1500 meter 2:15.60 Alma Ata (KAZ) USSR Allround Championships 1952 20.01.1952
1500 meter 2:18.50 Alma Ata (KAZ) Preis Des Ministerrates Der Kasachischen SSR 07.01.1952
Last Update: 23.01.2025
TypeTime / PointsLocationCompetitionDate
1500 meter 2:15.60 Alma Ata (KAZ) USSR Allround Championships 1952 20.01.1952
1500 meter 2:18.50 Alma Ata (KAZ) Preis Des Ministerrates Der Kasachischen SSR 07.01.1952
5000 meter 8:50.30 Alma Ata (KAZ) Preis Des Ministerrates Der Kasachischen SSR 06.01.1952
1500 meter 2:44.20 Saratov (RUS) Anatolij Kaptsjinskij's Prize 14.01.1950
Last Update: 23.01.2025
TypeTime / PointsLocationCompetitionDate
1500 meter 2:15.60 Alma Ata (KAZ) USSR Allround Championships 1952 20.01.1952
1500 meter 2:18.50 Alma Ata (KAZ) Preis Des Ministerrates Der Kasachischen SSR 07.01.1952
5000 meter 8:50.30 Alma Ata (KAZ) Preis Des Ministerrates Der Kasachischen SSR 06.01.1952
1500 meter 2:44.20 Saratov (RUS) Anatolij Kaptsjinskij's Prize 14.01.1950
Last Update: 23.01.2025
TypeTime / PointsLocationCompetitionDate
1500 meter 2:15.60 Alma Ata (KAZ) USSR Allround Championships 1952 20.01.1952
1500 meter 2:18.50 Alma Ata (KAZ) Preis Des Ministerrates Der Kasachischen SSR 07.01.1952
Last Update: 23.01.2025


Event1st Rank2st Rank3st RankTotalTop-10Starts
National Championships - - - - - 2
Other International - 1 - 1 1 2
Other National 1 4 - 5 5 10
Last Update: 23.01.2025 (World Cup Podiums, Total and Top-10 are for Division-A, only)
Event1st Rank2st Rank3st RankTotalTop-10Starts
Gorkij (Nishni Nowgorod) (RUS) - 3 - 3 3 4
Saratov (RUS) 1 - - 1 1 1
St. Petersburg (Leningrad) (RUS) - 1 - 1 1 1
Gorki (Nishni Nowgorod) (RUS) - 1 - 1 1 1
(RUS) - - - - - 2
Jekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk) (RUS) - - - - - 1
Alma Ata (KAZ) - - - - - 2
Last Update: 23.01.2025 (World Cup Podiums, Total and Top-10 are for Division-A, only)

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