Athlete Data of Daniil.04 Mitrofanov

Profile image of Daniil.04 Mitrofanov
Native language:
Даниил Митрофанов

Danil Mitrofanov

Danil.2 Mitrofanov

Danil 2 Mitrofanov

Danil 2004 Mitrofanov

Daniil Mitrofanov

Current state:
Active (Neo)
Last competition:

Performance Comparison between Athletes

The table below shows a direct performance comparison between the selected athletes. Therefore the presentation uses the personal bests and season best times. Please note that the displayed delta value (at the end of each table cell) always refers to the time of the athlete in the first column.

Please note: the leader from the last season of the nobility calendar of the current athletes nation is selected by default, when you haven't selected another athlete.

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