Competition: Wiener Meisterschaften

Wien (AUT)
21. - 22.02.1996
  • 19 athletes from 2 nations
  • 5 women and 14 men
  • 13 distances (1000m, 1000m (1. Race), 1000m (2. Race), 1500m, 3000m, 300m, 300m (1. Race), 300m (2. Race), 5000m, 500m, 500m (1. Race), 500m (2. Race), 700m)
  • 76 races

Text view of the competition results

Wiener Meisterschaften
21. - 22.02.1996
Eisring-Süd (AUT)

Allround (Women), 21. - 22.02.1996

POS   NAME            AG   NAT   500M             1000M              700M               1500M              POINTS    DIFF   RECORDS   
1     Barbara Thiel   B1   AUT   49.70   (1)      1:43.82   (1)      1:12.62   (1)      2:49.74   (1)      210.061                    

Sprint Combination (Women), 21. - 22.02.1996

POS   NAME             AG   NAT   500M 1. RACE            1000M 1. RACE            500M 2. RACE            1000M 2. RACE            POINTS    DIFF   RECORDS   
1     Kristina Heuer   D2   AUT   50.34          (1)      1:44.62         (1)      50.01          (1)      1:46.83         (1)      206.075          SB        

Allround (Women), 21. - 22.02.1996

POS   NAME                 AG   NAT   300M               700M               500M             1000M                POINTS    DIFF   RECORDS   
1     Honorata Chowaniec   D2   POL   31.41   (1)   PB   1:36.22   (1)      51.09   (1)      1:49.02   (1)   SB   205.738                    

Allround (Women), 21. - 22.02.1996

POS   NAME                    AG   NAT   300M 1. RACE            500M 1. RACE            300M 2. RACE              500M 2. RACE              POINTS    DIFF      RECORDS   
1     Theresa Tremmel         F1   AUT   48.31          (1)      1:26.73        (1)      48.11          (1)   SB   1:23.33        (1)   SB   266.480                       
2     Therese Aschenbrenner   F2   AUT   53.06          (2)      1:31.77        (2)      54.04          (2)        1:28.93        (2)   SB   287.800   +21.320             

Small Combination (Men), 21. - 22.02.1996

POS   NAME               AG       NAT   500M               3000M              1500M                5000M                POINTS    DIFF   RECORDS   
1     Andreas Hirsch     Senior   AUT   46.93   (3)   SB   5:10.03   (2)      2:21.89   (1)   SB   8:38.08   (1)   PB   197.705          PB        
2     Peter Polacsek     Neo      AUT   42.06   (1)   SB   5:04.18   (1)      -                    -                    92.756                     
3     Arjan Overdevest   Senior   NED   44.65   (2)        5:28.93   (3)      -                    -                    99.471                     

Small Combination (Men), 21. - 22.02.1996

POS   NAME              AG   NAT   500M             3000M              1500M              5000M              POINTS    DIFF   RECORDS   
1     Alexander Thiel   A2   AUT   44.39   (1)      5:30.27   (1)      2:20.74   (1)      8:37.78   (1)      198.126                    

Mini Combination (Men), 21. - 22.02.1996

POS   NAME              AG   NAT   500M             1500M              1000M              3000M              POINTS    DIFF   RECORDS   
1     Robert Solka      B2   AUT   42.91   (1)      2:24.73   (1)      1:31.08   (1)      5:12.00   (1)      188.693                    
2     Markus Domlatil   B1   AUT   46.05   (2)      2:32.48   (2)      -                  -                  96.876                     

Allround (Men), 21. - 22.02.1996

POS   NAME                     AG   NAT   500M                 1000M                700M                 1500M                POINTS    DIFF        RECORDS   
1     Markus Sandbichler       C1   AUT   47.27     (1)        1:40.83   (1)        1:07.36   (1)        2:37.12   (1)        198.172                         
2     Henry-Manuel Eichinger   C2   AUT   47.56     (2)   PB   1:44.32   (2)   PB   1:08.39   (2)        2:41.11   (2)        202.273   +4.101                
3     Florian Lindsberger      C1   AUT   1:25.92   (3)   PB   3:11.01   (3)   PB   2:01.90   (3)   PB   4:40.14   (3)   PB   361.876   +2.43.704             

Allround (Men), 21. - 22.02.1996

POS   NAME            AG   NAT   300M 1. RACE              500M 1. RACE            300M 2. RACE              500M 2. RACE              POINTS    DIFF        RECORDS   
1     André Pulec     E1   AUT   36.72          (1)        1:03.56        (1)      36.75          (1)        1:01.35        (1)        198.380                         
2     Walter Rath     F1   AUT   42.49          (2)   SB   1:14.92        (2)      43.58          (2)        1:14.91        (2)        235.900   +37.520               
3     Rafal Stanuch   F1   AUT   1:19.63        (3)        2:11.35        (3)      1:06.62        (3)   SB   1:52.51        (3)   SB   390.110   +3.11.730             

Allround (Men), 21. - 22.02.1996

POS   NAME                     AG   NAT   300M               700M                 500M                 1000M                POINTS    DIFF        RECORDS   
1     Wolfgang Aschenbrenner   D1   AUT   34.94   (1)   SB   1:26.11   (1)        57.90     (1)   SB   2:08.27   (1)        218.482                         
2     Alexander Kopecky        D1   AUT   43.37   (2)   PB   1:55.03   (2)   PB   1:18.68   (2)   PB   2:56.16   (2)   PB   292.294   +1.13.812             

Wiener Meisterschaften
21. - 22.02.1996
Eisring-Süd (AUT)

NAME                     AG       300M (1. RACE)         300M (2. RACE)         300M             500M (1. RACE)         500M (2. RACE)         500M          500M             500M             500M             500M             700M             700M             1000M            1000M            1000M            1500M           1500M            1500M            1500M            3000M           3000M            3000M            5000M           5000M            
                                  Junior E               Junior E               Junior D         Junior E               Junior E                             Junior A         Junior B         Junior C         Junior D         Junior C         Junior D         Junior B         Junior C         Junior D                         Junior A         Junior B         Junior C                         Junior A         Junior B                         Junior A         
André Pulec              E1       36.72            (1)   36.75            (1)                    1:03.56          (1)   1:01.35          (1)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
Rafal Stanuch            F1       1:19.63          (3)   1:06.62          (3)                    2:11.35          (3)   1:52.51          (3)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
Walter Rath              F1       42.49            (2)   43.58            (2)                    1:14.92          (2)   1:14.91          (2)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
Wolfgang Aschenbrenner   D1                                                     34.94      (1)                                                                                                                  57.90      (1)                    1:26.11    (1)                                     2:08.27    (1)                                                                                                                                                         
Alexander Kopecky        D1                                                     43.37      (2)                                                                                                                  1:18.68    (2)                    1:55.03    (2)                                     2:56.16    (2)                                                                                                                                                         
Peter Polacsek           Neo                                                                                                                   42.06   (1)                                                                                                                                                                                                                               5:04.18   (1)                                                                      
Arjan Overdevest         Senior                                                                                                                44.65   (2)                                                                                                                                                                                                                               5:28.93   (3)                                                                      
Andreas Hirsch           Senior                                                                                                                46.93   (3)                                                                                                                                                            2:21.89   (1)                                                      5:10.03   (2)                                     8:38.08   (1)                    
Alexander Thiel          A2                                                                                                                                  44.39      (1)                                                                                                                                                           2:20.74    (1)                                                     5:30.27    (1)                                    8:37.78    (1)   
Robert Solka             B2                                                                                                                                                   42.91      (1)                                                                       1:31.08    (1)                                                                      2:24.73    (1)                                                     5:12.00    (1)                                    
Markus Domlatil          B1                                                                                                                                                   46.05      (2)                                                                                                                                                           2:32.48    (2)                                                                                                       
Markus Sandbichler       C1                                                                                                                                                                    47.27      (1)                    1:07.36    (1)                                     1:40.83    (1)                                                                      2:37.12    (1)                                                                                      
Henry-Manuel Eichinger   C2                                                                                                                                                                    47.56      (2)                    1:08.39    (2)                                     1:44.32    (2)                                                                      2:41.11    (2)                                                                                      
Florian Lindsberger      C1                                                                                                                                                                    1:25.92    (3)                    2:01.90    (3)                                     3:11.01    (3)                                                                      4:40.14    (3)                                                                                      

NAME                    AG   300M (1. RACE)         300M (2. RACE)         300M             500M (1. RACE)         500M (1. RACE)         500M (2. RACE)         500M (2. RACE)         500M             500M             700M             700M             1000M (1. RACE)         1000M (2. RACE)         1000M            1000M            1500M            
                             Junior E               Junior E               Junior D         Junior C               Junior E               Junior C               Junior E               Junior B         Junior D         Junior B         Junior D         Junior C                Junior C                Junior B         Junior D         Junior B         
Theresa Tremmel         F1   48.31            (1)   48.11            (1)                                           1:26.73          (1)                          1:23.33          (1)                                                                                                                                                                          
Therese Aschenbrenner   F2   53.06            (2)   54.04            (2)                                           1:31.77          (2)                          1:28.93          (2)                                                                                                                                                                          
Honorata Chowaniec      D2                                                 31.41      (1)                                                                                                                51.09      (1)                    1:36.22    (1)                                                                    1:49.02    (1)                    
Kristina Heuer          D2                                                                  50.34            (1)                          50.01            (1)                                                                                              1:44.62           (1)   1:46.83           (1)                                                      
Barbara Thiel           B1                                                                                                                                                              49.70      (1)                    1:12.62    (1)                                                                    1:43.82    (1)                    2:49.74    (1)