Competition: Wedstrijd 022

  • 27 athletes from 1 nation
  • 12 women and 15 men
  • 4 distances (1000m, 1500m, 500m, 700m)
  • 75 races

Text view of the competition results

Wedstrijd 022
Kunstijsbaan Jaap Eden (NED)

Allround (Men), 18.10.1998

POS   NAME             AG    NAT   500M               1000M                1500M                POINTS    DIFF      RECORDS   
1     Luis Veen        C1    NED   48.41     (1)      1:39.94   (1)        2:32.41   (2)        149.183                       
2     Jannes Sinke     C2    NED   49.78     (2)      1:44.82   (2)        2:31.24   (1)        152.603   +3.420              
3     Arno Hendrikse   C1    NED   53.56     (3)      1:49.25   (3)        2:46.74   (3)        163.765   +14.582             
4     Ralph Valkonet   M30   NED   57.61     (4)      1:55.46   (4)        2:59.72   (4)   SB   175.246   +26.063             
5     Ton Hendrikse    M35   NED   1:00.14   (5)      1:57.40   (5)   SB   3:05.55   (5)        180.690   +31.507             

Allround (Men), 18.10.1998

POS   NAME           AG    NAT   500M               1500M              POINTS    DIFF   RECORDS   
1     Jacob Tessel   n/a   NED   1:05.24   (1)      3:29.28   (1)      135.000                    

Allround (Men), 18.10.1998

POS   NAME                  AG    NAT   500M             1500M              700M                 POINTS    DIFF      RECORDS   
1     Herman Versteeg       M45   NED   51.21   (1)      2:43.93   (1)      1:13.07   (1)   PB   158.045                       
2     Cees de Jong          M40   NED   51.73   (2)      2:49.82   (3)      1:14.47   (2)   PB   161.528   +3.483              
3     Kees Kroon            M40   NED   53.67   (3)      2:45.81   (2)      1:16.63   (3)   PB   163.675   +5.630              
4     Dingeman den Braber   M50   NED   59.04   (5)      2:52.40   (4)      1:20.58   (4)   PB   174.063   +16.018             
5     Cor Peek              M50   NED   58.88   (4)      3:00.35   (5)      1:25.05   (5)   PB   179.746   +21.701             

Allround (Men), 18.10.1998

POS   NAME                     AG   NAT   500M               700M                 1000M              POINTS    DIFF      RECORDS   
1     Diede Timmer             C2   NED   53.97   (1)        1:14.74   (1)   PB   1:53.61   (1)      164.160                       
2     Wouter Hofstee Holtrop   C2   NED   57.88   (3)        1:21.43   (2)   PB   2:03.04   (3)      177.564   +13.404             
3     Stefan Janmaat           C2   NED   56.94   (2)   SB   1:24.45   (3)   PB   2:01.63   (2)      178.076   +13.916             
4     Ted Boers                C2   NED   59.78   (4)        1:25.54   (4)   PB   2:10.26   (4)      186.010   +21.850             

Allround (Women), 18.10.1998

POS   NAME           AG    NAT   500M             1000M                1500M                POINTS    DIFF     RECORDS   
1     Irene Tesink   C2    NED   56.94   (1)      1:52.75   (1)        2:52.80   (1)   SB   170.915                      
2     Nellie Kea     M35   NED   57.67   (2)      1:58.12   (2)   SB   3:00.89   (2)        177.026   +6.111             

Allround (Women), 18.10.1998

POS   NAME                AG    NAT   500M               1500M              POINTS    DIFF     RECORDS   
1     Petra Simons        Neo   NED   55.46     (1)      3:12.97   (2)      119.783                      
2     Sandra Burgerhout   Neo   NED   1:01.62   (2)      3:10.49   (1)      125.116   +5.333             

Allround (Women), 18.10.1998

POS   NAME            AG       NAT   500M               1000M                POINTS    DIFF     RECORDS   
1     Simone Zaal     C1       NED   1:06.60   (1)      2:23.75   (3)        138.475                      
2     Annie Groenen   M40      NED   1:08.24   (2)      2:20.95   (1)   PB   138.715   +0.240             
3     S L Bakker      Senior   NED   1:10.11   (3)      2:23.03   (2)        141.625   +3.150             

Allround (Women), 18.10.1998

POS   NAME          AG   NAT   500M               1500M              700M                 POINTS    DIFF   RECORDS   
1     Josè Kroon    B1   NED   1:01.49   (1)      3:14.16   (1)      1:26.51   (1)   PB   188.002                    

Allround (Women), 18.10.1998

POS   NAME                 AG   NAT   500M                 700M                 1000M                POINTS    DIFF      RECORDS   
1     Marlous Spaargaren   C1   NED   58.10     (1)        1:21.81   (1)   PB   2:01.21   (1)        177.140                       
2     Jorien Vlaanderen    C1   NED   59.86     (2)        1:25.14   (2)   PB   2:04.81   (2)        183.079   +5.939              
3     Curien Kroon         C2   NED   1:01.77   (3)        1:26.18   (3)   PB   2:05.17   (3)        185.912   +8.772              
4     Jose de Jong         C1   NED   1:06.62   (4)   PB   1:34.87   (4)   PB   2:21.75   (4)   PB   205.259   +28.119             

Wedstrijd 022
Kunstijsbaan Jaap Eden (NED)

NAME                     AG    500M            500M            500M          500M          700M            700M            1000M           1000M           1500M           1500M           1500M           
Luis Veen                C1    48.41     (1)                                                                               1:39.94   (1)                   2:32.41   (2)                                   
Arno Hendrikse           C1    53.56     (3)                                                                               1:49.25   (3)                   2:46.74   (3)                                   
Ton Hendrikse            M35   1:00.14   (5)                                                                               1:57.40   (5)                   3:05.55   (5)                                   
Jannes Sinke             C2    49.78     (2)                                                                               1:44.82   (2)                   2:31.24   (1)                                   
Ralph Valkonet           M30   57.61     (4)                                                                               1:55.46   (4)                   2:59.72   (4)                                   
Jacob Tessel             n/a                   1:05.24   (1)                                                                                                               3:29.28   (1)                   
Dingeman den Braber      M50                                   59.04   (5)                 1:20.58   (4)                                                                                   2:52.40   (4)   
Cees de Jong             M40                                   51.73   (2)                 1:14.47   (2)                                                                                   2:49.82   (3)   
Herman Versteeg          M45                                   51.21   (1)                 1:13.07   (1)                                                                                   2:43.93   (1)   
Kees Kroon               M40                                   53.67   (3)                 1:16.63   (3)                                                                                   2:45.81   (2)   
Cor Peek                 M50                                   58.88   (4)                 1:25.05   (5)                                                                                   3:00.35   (5)   
Stefan Janmaat           C2                                                  56.94   (2)                   1:24.45   (3)                   2:01.63   (2)                                                   
Diede Timmer             C2                                                  53.97   (1)                   1:14.74   (1)                   1:53.61   (1)                                                   
Wouter Hofstee Holtrop   C2                                                  57.88   (3)                   1:21.43   (2)                   2:03.04   (3)                                                   
Ted Boers                C2                                                  59.78   (4)                   1:25.54   (4)                   2:10.26   (4)                                                   

NAME                 AG       500M          500M            500M            500M            500M            700M            700M            1000M           1000M           1000M           1500M           1500M           1500M           
Irene Tesink         C2       56.94   (1)                                                                                                   1:52.75   (1)                                   2:52.80   (1)                                   
Nellie Kea           M35      57.67   (2)                                                                                                   1:58.12   (2)                                   3:00.89   (2)                                   
Petra Simons         Neo                    55.46     (1)                                                                                                                                                   3:12.97   (2)                   
Sandra Burgerhout    Neo                    1:01.62   (2)                                                                                                                                                   3:10.49   (1)                   
Simone Zaal          C1                                     1:06.60   (1)                                                                                   2:23.75   (3)                                                                   
S L Bakker           Senior                                 1:10.11   (3)                                                                                   2:23.03   (2)                                                                   
Annie Groenen        M40                                    1:08.24   (2)                                                                                   2:20.95   (1)                                                                   
Josè Kroon           B1                                                     1:01.49   (1)                   1:26.51   (1)                                                                                                   3:14.16   (1)   
Jorien Vlaanderen    C1                                                                     59.86     (2)                   1:25.14   (2)                                   2:04.81   (2)                                                   
Marlous Spaargaren   C1                                                                     58.10     (1)                   1:21.81   (1)                                   2:01.21   (1)                                                   
Curien Kroon         C2                                                                     1:01.77   (3)                   1:26.18   (3)                                   2:05.17   (3)                                                   
Jose de Jong         C1                                                                     1:06.62   (4)                   1:34.87   (4)                                   2:21.75   (4)