Competition: Ungdoms Propaganda

  • 6 athletes from 1 nation
  • 6 men
  • 2 distances (1000m, 1500m)
  • 6 races

Text view of the competition results

Ungdoms Propaganda
Isstadion (SWE)

1000 meter (Men), 14.03.1971

POS   NAME                AG   NAT   TIME      DIFF     RECORD   
1     Anders.57 Jansson   C1   SWE   2:03.50            PB       
2     Kent Brodén         C1   SWE   2:10.20   +6.700   SB       
3     Leif.57 Axelsson    D2   SWE   2:11.20   +7.700            

1500 meter (Men), 14.03.1971

POS   NAME            AG   NAT   TIME      DIFF      RECORD   
1     Jan Junell      C1   SWE   2:51.50                      
2     Tomas Arnemyr   B1   SWE   2:57.20   +5.700             
3     Mats Åkesson    B1   SWE   3:21.90   +30.400            

Ungdoms Propaganda
Isstadion (SWE)

NAME                AG   1000M           1500M           
Leif.57 Axelsson    D2   2:11.20   (3)                   
Kent Brodén         C1   2:10.20   (2)                   
Anders.57 Jansson   C1   2:03.50   (1)                   
Jan Junell          C1                   2:51.50   (1)   
Mats Åkesson        B1                   3:21.90   (3)   
Tomas Arnemyr       B1                   2:57.20   (2)