Competition: 2nd Masters International - Mosjonsløpet 2004
- Rink:
Hamar (NOR) - Date:
- 21. - 22.02.2004
- Records:
- 2x National Record
- 1x National Record Master AG 30
- 2x National Record Master AG 40
- 4x National Record Master AG 50
- 8x National Record Master AG 55
- 1x National Record Master AG 60
- 6x National Record Master AG 65
- 5x National Record Master AG 80
- 1x World Record Masters AG 35
- 1x World Record Masters AG 40
- 2x World Record Masters AG 50
- 2x World Record Masters AG 55
- 1x World Record Masters AG 70
- 4x World Record Masters AG 80
- 2x Championship Record
- 2x Championship Record Master AG 40
- 4x Championship Record Master AG 50
- 4x Championship Record Master AG 55
- 1x Championship Record Master AG 60
- 2x Championship Record Master AG 65
- 5x Championship Record Master AG 80
- 50x Personal Best
- 254x Seasonal Best
- Information:
- 96 athletes from 4 nations
- 4 women and 92 men
- 11 distances (10.000m, 10000m, 1000m, 1000m (1. Race), 1000m (2. Race), 1500m, 3000m, 5000m, 500m, 500m (1. Race), 500m (2. Race))
- 529 races
Men Out of Competition , Samalog - Big Combination 500m/5000m/1500m/10000m 21. - 22.02.2004
Karl-Johan Eliassen | Jon Kjetil Gauslaa | Terje Bjørk | Rolf Svan Amundsen | Stein-Erik Lunde | Gunnar Nyhus | Per Gunnar Stensvaag | Per.46 Nygård | Geir Nesset | Ivar.47 Nilssen | Klaus Vikeså | Trygve Hetland | Odd.43 Larsen | Paul Fitzgerald | Arne Kjell Foldvik | Gunnar Ligaarden | Stein Opdahl | Kjetil Kristjansen | Kåre Segadal | Gunnar Dokkedal | Lars B. O. Eskeland | Bjørn-Erik Hanssen | |
-2.43 | -6.22 | -1.28 | -6.24 | -3.85 | -5.11 | -12.03 | -3.79 | -12.07 | -19.12 | -12.89 | -18.16 | -19.20 | -17.26 | -22.70 | -18.48 | -16.94 | -28.87 | -34.18 | -35.65 | -51.14 | ||
+2.43 | -3.78 | +1.15 | -3.81 | -1.42 | -2.68 | -9.59 | -1.36 | -9.63 | -16.69 | -10.46 | -15.72 | -16.76 | -14.83 | -20.26 | -16.05 | -14.51 | -26.44 | -31.75 | -33.22 | -48.70 | ||
+6.22 | +3.78 | +4.94 | -0.03 | +2.37 | +1.11 | -5.81 | +2.42 | -5.85 | -12.91 | -6.67 | -11.94 | -12.98 | -11.04 | -16.48 | -12.26 | -10.72 | -22.66 | -27.97 | -29.44 | -44.92 | ||
+1.28 | -1.15 | -4.94 | -4.96 | -2.57 | -3.83 | -10.75 | -2.51 | -10.79 | -17.84 | -11.61 | -16.88 | -17.92 | -15.98 | -21.42 | -17.20 | -15.66 | -27.59 | -32.90 | -34.37 | -49.86 | ||
+6.24 | +3.81 | +0.03 | +4.96 | +2.39 | +1.13 | -5.78 | +2.45 | -5.82 | -12.88 | -6.65 | -11.91 | -12.95 | -11.02 | -16.45 | -12.24 | -10.70 | -22.63 | -27.94 | -29.41 | -44.89 | ||
+3.85 | +1.42 | -2.37 | +2.57 | -2.39 | -1.26 | -8.18 | +0.06 | -8.22 | -15.27 | -9.04 | -14.30 | -15.35 | -13.41 | -18.85 | -14.63 | -13.09 | -25.02 | -30.33 | -31.80 | -47.29 | ||
+5.11 | +2.68 | -1.11 | +3.83 | -1.13 | +1.26 | -6.92 | +1.32 | -6.96 | -14.01 | -7.78 | -13.04 | -14.08 | -12.15 | -17.59 | -13.37 | -11.83 | -23.76 | -29.07 | -30.54 | -46.03 | ||
+12.03 | +9.59 | +5.81 | +10.75 | +5.78 | +8.18 | +6.92 | +8.23 | -0.04 | -7.09 | -0.86 | -6.13 | -7.17 | -5.23 | -10.67 | -6.45 | -4.91 | -16.85 | -22.16 | -23.63 | -39.11 | ||
+3.79 | +1.36 | -2.42 | +2.51 | -2.45 | -0.06 | -1.32 | -8.23 | -8.27 | -15.33 | -9.10 | -14.36 | -15.40 | -13.47 | -18.90 | -14.69 | -13.15 | -25.08 | -30.39 | -31.86 | -47.34 | ||
+12.07 | +9.63 | +5.85 | +10.79 | +5.82 | +8.22 | +6.96 | +0.04 | +8.27 | -7.06 | -0.82 | -6.09 | -7.13 | -5.19 | -10.63 | -6.41 | -4.87 | -16.81 | -22.12 | -23.59 | -39.07 | ||
+19.12 | +16.69 | +12.91 | +17.84 | +12.88 | +15.27 | +14.01 | +7.09 | +15.33 | +7.06 | +6.23 | +0.97 | -0.07 | +1.86 | -3.58 | +0.64 | +2.18 | -9.75 | -15.06 | -16.53 | -32.02 | ||
+12.89 | +10.46 | +6.67 | +11.61 | +6.65 | +9.04 | +7.78 | +0.86 | +9.10 | +0.82 | -6.23 | -5.26 | -6.30 | -4.37 | -9.81 | -5.59 | -4.05 | -15.98 | -21.29 | -22.76 | -38.25 | ||
+18.16 | +15.72 | +11.94 | +16.88 | +11.91 | +14.30 | +13.04 | +6.13 | +14.36 | +6.09 | -0.97 | +5.26 | -1.04 | +0.89 | -4.54 | -0.33 | +1.22 | -10.72 | -16.03 | -17.50 | -32.98 | ||
+19.20 | +16.76 | +12.98 | +17.92 | +12.95 | +15.35 | +14.08 | +7.17 | +15.40 | +7.13 | +0.07 | +6.30 | +1.04 | +1.93 | -3.50 | +0.71 | +2.26 | -9.68 | -14.99 | -16.46 | -31.94 | ||
+17.26 | +14.83 | +11.04 | +15.98 | +11.02 | +13.41 | +12.15 | +5.23 | +13.47 | +5.19 | -1.86 | +4.37 | -0.89 | -1.93 | -5.44 | -1.22 | +0.32 | -11.61 | -16.92 | -18.39 | -33.88 | ||
+22.70 | +20.26 | +16.48 | +21.42 | +16.45 | +18.85 | +17.59 | +10.67 | +18.90 | +10.63 | +3.58 | +9.81 | +4.54 | +3.50 | +5.44 | +4.22 | +5.76 | -6.18 | -11.49 | -12.96 | -28.44 | ||
+18.48 | +16.05 | +12.26 | +17.20 | +12.24 | +14.63 | +13.37 | +6.45 | +14.69 | +6.41 | -0.64 | +5.59 | +0.33 | -0.71 | +1.22 | -4.22 | +1.54 | -10.39 | -15.70 | -17.17 | -32.66 | ||
+16.94 | +14.51 | +10.72 | +15.66 | +10.70 | +13.09 | +11.83 | +4.91 | +13.15 | +4.87 | -2.18 | +4.05 | -1.22 | -2.26 | -0.32 | -5.76 | -1.54 | -11.93 | -17.24 | -18.71 | -34.20 | ||
+28.87 | +26.44 | +22.66 | +27.59 | +22.63 | +25.02 | +23.76 | +16.85 | +25.08 | +16.81 | +9.75 | +15.98 | +10.72 | +9.68 | +11.61 | +6.18 | +10.39 | +11.93 | -5.31 | -6.78 | -22.26 | ||
+34.18 | +31.75 | +27.97 | +32.90 | +27.94 | +30.33 | +29.07 | +22.16 | +30.39 | +22.12 | +15.06 | +21.29 | +16.03 | +14.99 | +16.92 | +11.49 | +15.70 | +17.24 | +5.31 | -1.47 | -16.95 | ||
+35.65 | +33.22 | +29.44 | +34.37 | +29.41 | +31.80 | +30.54 | +23.63 | +31.86 | +23.59 | +16.53 | +22.76 | +17.50 | +16.46 | +18.39 | +12.96 | +17.17 | +18.71 | +6.78 | +1.47 | -15.48 | ||
+51.14 | +48.70 | +44.92 | +49.86 | +44.89 | +47.29 | +46.03 | +39.11 | +47.34 | +39.07 | +32.02 | +38.25 | +32.98 | +31.94 | +33.88 | +28.44 | +32.66 | +34.20 | +22.26 | +16.95 | +15.48 | ||