Competition: French Allround Championships 1963

Pralognan la Vanoise (FRA)
05. - 06.01.1963
  • 28 athletes from 1 nation
  • 12 women and 16 men
  • 5 distances (1000m, 1500m, 2000m, 3000m, 500m)
  • 84 races

Text view of the competition results

French Allround Championships 1963
05. - 06.01.1963
Pralognan la Vanoise (FRA)

Allround (Women), 05. - 06.01.1963

POS   NAME                      AG       NAT   500M                        1000M         2000M         POINTS    DIFF        RECORDS   
1     Françoise Lucas           Senior   FRA   53.50     (1)               -             -             188.500                         
2     Danielle Fassier          n/a      FRA   53.30     (2)    TR, PB     -             -             194.483   +5.983                
3     Martine Ivangine          C2       FRA   1:00.40   (3)    NRJ, TRJ   -             -             201.039   +12.539               
4     Michelle Romersa          A2       FRA   1:01.00   (4)    PB         -             -             202.449   +13.949               
5     Monique Henrard           Neo      FRA   -         (6)               -             -             210.399   +21.899               
6     Marie-Catherine Vetelay   Senior   FRA   1:02.50   (5)    SB         -             -             213.633   +25.133               
7     ? Jacquemin               n/a      FRA   -         (8)               -             -             213.733   +25.233               
8     Marie-José Charlet        n/a      FRA   -         (7)               -             -             220.650   +32.150               
9     ? Legros                  n/a      FRA   -         (9)               -             -             249.000   +1.00.500             
10    ? Guillot                 n/a      FRA   -         (10)              -             -             250.000   +1.01.500             
11    ? Guinand                 n/a      FRA   -         (11)              -             -             251.000   +1.02.500             
12    ?w Leclerc                n/a      FRA   -         (12)              -             -             252.000   +1.03.500             

Allround (Men), 05. - 06.01.1963

POS   NAME                 AG    NAT   500M               3000M         1500M         POINTS    DIFF      RECORDS   
1     Andre Kouprianoff    Neo   FRA   46.40   (1)   TR   -             -             153.803                       
2     Bernard Sakhof       Neo   FRA   47.90   (3)        -             -             159.640   +5.837              
3     Bernard Oger         A2    FRA   -                  -             -             167.383   +13.580             
4     Albert Legros        n/a   FRA   -                  -             -             168.840   +15.037             
5     Guy Bertocchi        n/a   FRA   48.80   (4)        -             -             169.013   +15.210             
6     Raymond Fonvieille   Neo   FRA   47.30   (2)        -             -             169.646   +15.843             
7     Jean Vives           Neo   FRA   -                  -             -             171.820   +18.017             
8     Michel Dehaes        A2    FRA   48.80   (4)        -             -             172.220   +18.417             
9     Pierre Ponchaux      Neo   FRA   -                  -             -             173.673   +19.870             
10    Jean Kerhardy        Neo   FRA   -                  -             -             174.400   +20.597             
11    Roger Tourne         M30   FRA   -                  -             -             194.000   +40.197             
12    Jean Pou             Neo   FRA   -                  -             -             195.000   +41.197             
13    Gérard Lochet        n/a   FRA   -                  -             -             196.000   +42.197             
14    ? Rennicci           n/a   FRA   -                  -             -             197.000   +43.197             
15    ? Veniel             n/a   FRA   -                  -             -             198.000   +44.197             
16    Yves Fleury          n/a   FRA   -                  -             -             199.000   +45.197             

French Allround Championships 1963
05. - 06.01.1963
Pralognan la Vanoise (FRA)

NAME                 AG    500M          1500M      3000M      
Raymond Fonvieille   Neo   47.30   (2)                         
Andre Kouprianoff    Neo   46.40   (1)                         
Jean Pou             Neo                                       
Roger Tourne         M30                                       
Bernard Sakhof       Neo   47.90   (3)                         
Albert Legros        n/a                                       
Bernard Oger         A2                                        
Guy Bertocchi        n/a   48.80   (4)                         
Jean Kerhardy        Neo                                       
Michel Dehaes        A2    48.80   (4)                         
Gérard Lochet        n/a                                       
Pierre Ponchaux      Neo                                       
? Rennicci           n/a                                       
? Veniel             n/a                                       
Yves Fleury          n/a                                       
Jean Vives           Neo                                       

NAME                      AG       500M             1000M      2000M      
Martine Ivangine          C2       1:00.40   (3)                          
Françoise Lucas           Senior   53.50     (1)                          
Marie-Catherine Vetelay   Senior   1:02.50   (5)                          
Danielle Fassier          n/a      53.30     (2)                          
Michelle Romersa          A2       1:01.00   (4)                          
Monique Henrard           Neo                (6)                          
? Jacquemin               n/a                (8)                          
Marie-José Charlet        n/a                (7)                          
? Legros                  n/a                (9)                          
? Guillot                 n/a                (10)                         
? Guinand                 n/a                (11)                         
?w Leclerc                n/a                (12)