Competition: European Championships 1902

  • 9 athletes from 7 nations
  • 9 men
  • 4 distances (10000m, 1500m, 5000m, 500m)
  • 36 races

Text view of the competition results

European Championships 1902
18. - 19.01.1902
Eisstadion (SUI)

Big Combination (Men), 18. - 19.01.1902

POS   NAME                    AG       NAT   500M                     5000M                    1500M                    10000M                    POINTS   DIFF   RECORDS   
1     Johan Schwartz          Senior   NOR   48.40     (3)            8:51.20   (1)   TR, PB   2:26.00   (1)   ER, PB   18:09.40   (1)   ER, PB   -                         
2     Rudolf Gundersen        Neo      NOR   46.40     (1)   ER, SB   8:54.00   (2)   PB       2:26.60   (2)   PB       18:41.00   (2)   PB       -                         
3     Franz Fredrik Wathén    Senior   FIN   47.00     (2)   SB       9:09.40   (3)   SB       2:34.60   (4)   SB       18:44.00   (3)   NR       -                         
4     Franz Schilling         M30      AUT   50.20     (5)   NR       9:20.40   (5)   NR       2:32.60   (3)   NR       19:02.20   (5)   NR       -                         
5     Jan C. Greve            Neo      NED   49.00     (4)   PB       9:11.60   (4)   SB       2:49.00   (6)   SB       18:58.40   (4)            -                         
      Philippe Seon           Neo      FRA   54.00     (7)   PB       -                        -                        -                         -                         
      Charles Edgington       Senior   GBR   1:04.60   (9)   SB       9:59.60   (7)   SB       -                        -                         -                         
      Ferdinand Bölling       Neo      GER   1:00.80   (8)   SB       -                        2:51.00   (7)   SB       -                         -                         
      Georges de Stoppani     Neo      FRA   50.20     (5)   NR       9:43.00   (6)   NR       2:39.20   (5)   NR       -                         -                         

European Championships 1902
18. - 19.01.1902
Eisstadion (SUI)

NAME                    AG       500M            1500M           5000M           10000M           
Franz Schilling         M30      50.20     (5)   2:32.60   (3)   9:20.40   (5)   19:02.20   (5)   
Franz Fredrik Wathén    Senior   47.00     (2)   2:34.60   (4)   9:09.40   (3)   18:44.00   (3)   
Jan C. Greve            Neo      49.00     (4)   2:49.00   (6)   9:11.60   (4)   18:58.40   (4)   
Charles Edgington       Senior   1:04.60   (9)                   9:59.60   (7)                    
Rudolf Gundersen        Neo      46.40     (1)   2:26.60   (2)   8:54.00   (2)   18:41.00   (2)   
Johan Schwartz          Senior   48.40     (3)   2:26.00   (1)   8:51.20   (1)   18:09.40   (1)   
Georges de Stoppani     Neo      50.20     (5)   2:39.20   (5)   9:43.00   (6)                    
Philippe Seon           Neo      54.00     (7)                                                    
Ferdinand Bölling       Neo      1:00.80   (8)   2:51.00   (7)