Competition: Country Match GDR-URS

  • 32 athletes from 4 nations
  • 16 women and 16 men
  • 5 distances (1000m, 1500m, 3000m, 5000m, 500m)
  • 133 races

Text view of the competition results

Country Match GDR-URS
25. - 26.11.1978
Eissportkomplex Küchwald (GER)

1000 meter (Men), 25.11.1978

POS   NAME           AG       NAT   TIME      DIFF   RECORD   
1     Harald Oehme   Senior   GDR   1:21.60                   

Small Combination (Men), 25. - 26.11.1978

POS   NAME                 AG       NAT   500M                3000M                 1500M                 5000M                  POINTS    DIFF      RECORDS   
1     Vladimir.54 Belov    Senior   URS   39.29     (1)       4:18.76   (3)         2:02.15   (1)    TR   7:30.33   (2)          168.165                       
2     Andreas Ehrig        A2       GDR   39.79     (4)       4:17.22   (1)    TR   2:04.67   (3)         7:28.21   (1)    TRJ   169.037   +0.872    TRJ       
3     Nikolaj Kuzmenko     Senior   URS   39.38     (2)       4:17.51   (2)         2:04.43   (2)         7:41.51   (7)          169.925   +1.760    SB        
4     Pavel Pegov          Neo      URS   39.75     (3)       4:21.89   (5)         2:04.94   (6)         7:44.76   (9)          171.520   +3.355              
5     Sergej Balasjov      Neo      URS   40.67     (7)       4:23.61   (7)         2:04.74   (4)         7:33.90   (4)          171.575   +3.410              
6     Klaus Wunderlich     Senior   GDR   40.80     (8)       4:22.66   (6)    SB   2:04.99   (8)         7:38.74   (6)    SB    172.113   +3.948    SB        
7     Andreas Fischer      Neo      GDR   40.29     (6)       4:27.68   (10)        2:08.26   (10)        7:37.18   (5)    SB    173.374   +5.209              
8     Andreas Dietel       A2       GDR   41.30     (9)       4:25.02   (8)    SB   2:05.45   (9)         7:42.98   (8)    SB    173.584   +5.419    SB        
9     Ulf Mademann         A1       GDR   40.17     (5)       4:25.66   (9)         2:04.92   (5)         8:00.30   (10)         174.116   +5.951              
10    Jevgenij Solunskij   Neo      URS   1:18.46   (10)      4:20.31   (4)         2:04.95   (7)         7:33.24   (3)          208.819   +40.654             

Mini Combination (Women), 25. - 26.11.1978

POS   NAME                              AG       NAT   500M                1500M                 1000M               3000M               POINTS    DIFF     RECORDS   
1     Natalja Petrusjova                Neo      URS   43.89   (7)         2:14.04   (2)         1:26.86   (1)       4:51.76   (2)       180.626            TR        
2     Valentina Lalenkova-Golovenkina   Neo      URS   43.79   (6)         2:13.98   (1)    TR   1:29.29   (3)       4:52.34   (3)       181.818   +1.192             
3     Sylvia Albrecht                   B1       GDR   43.10   (1)         2:15.48   (3)         1:29.77   (6)       4:58.23   (6)       182.850   +2.224             
4     Marion Dittmann                   Neo      GDR   43.71   (5)         2:17.99   (7)         1:29.57   (5)       4:50.29   (1)       182.872   +2.246             
5     Tatjana Barabasj-Averina          Senior   URS   43.41   (3)         2:17.18   (5)         1:29.22   (2)       4:58.89   (7)       183.561   +2.935             
6     Galina Petrova-Blinkova           Neo      URS   44.01   (8)         2:16.99   (4)         1:29.48   (4)       5:04.36   (9)       185.139   +4.513   SB        
7     Beate Romstedt                    A1       GDR   44.32   (9)         2:20.48   (8)         1:30.48   (7)       4:56.15   (4)       185.744   +5.118   SB        
8     Andrea Eichel                     Neo      GDR   43.67   (4)    SB   2:17.72   (6)    SB   1:31.74   (9)       5:05.37   (10)      186.341   +5.715   SB        
9     Ljubov Tsjujeva-Pogodajeva        Senior   URS   43.38   (2)         2:23.46   (10)        1:31.99   (10)      4:56.91   (5)       186.680   +6.054   SB        
10    Birgit Czak                       B2       GDR   45.04   (10)        2:22.23   (9)         1:31.42   (8)       4:59.16   (8)       188.020   +7.394             

Small Combination (Men), 25. - 26.11.1978

POS   NAME               AG       NAT   500M               3000M                1500M                5000M                POINTS    DIFF     RECORDS   
1     Uwe Sauerteig      Neo      GDR   41.46   (4)        4:18.40   (1)   SB   2:06.79   (3)        7:28.23   (1)        171.612                      
2     Jürgen Warnicke    Neo      GDR   41.44   (3)        4:19.45   (2)        2:06.62   (2)        7:43.87   (3)        173.274   +1.662             
3     Michael Hannig     A2       GDR   41.47   (5)        4:26.29   (4)        2:09.44   (5)        7:45.57   (4)   SB   175.554   +3.942             
4     Andre Fritzsche    Neo      GDR   42.72   (6)        4:26.04   (3)   SB   2:10.18   (6)        7:36.50   (2)   SB   176.103   +4.491             
5     Heiko Walther      A2       GDR   41.06   (2)        4:34.82   (5)        2:08.17   (4)        7:46.56   (5)   SB   176.242   +4.630   SB        
      Harald Oehme       Senior   GDR   39.96   (1)   SB   -                    2:06.38   (1)   SB   -                    -                            

Mini Combination (Women), 25. - 26.11.1978

POS   NAME               AG    NAT   500M               1500M                1000M              3000M                POINTS    DIFF     RECORDS   
1     Sabine Becker      A2    GDR   44.53   (2)        2:17.06   (1)        1:30.79   (2)      4:46.52   (1)   SB   183.364            SB        
2     Karin Enke         A1    GDR   44.12   (1)        2:19.40   (2)        1:30.63   (1)      4:53.87   (2)        184.879   +1.515             
3     Ria Illgen         A2    GDR   44.85   (3)        2:20.92   (3)   SB   1:32.76   (4)      5:06.79   (5)   SB   189.334   +5.970   SB        
4     Antje Heck         Neo   GDR   44.96   (4)        2:25.09   (6)        1:32.30   (3)      4:59.57   (3)   SB   189.401   +6.037             
5     Gabi Schönbrunn    A1    GDR   45.10   (5)        2:23.34   (4)        1:34.59   (6)      5:05.13   (4)        191.030   +7.666             
6     Cornelia Lammerz   Neo   GDR   45.15   (6)   PB   2:24.63   (5)        1:33.19   (5)      5:17.63   (6)        192.893   +9.529   PB        

Country Match GDR-URS
25. - 26.11.1978
Eissportkomplex Küchwald (GER)

NAME                 AG       500M             500M                       1000M                      1500M            1500M                      3000M            3000M                      5000M            5000M                      
                                               Out of Competition         Out of Competition                          Out of Competition                          Out of Competition                          Out of Competition         
Klaus Wunderlich     Senior   40.80     (8)                                                          2:04.99   (8)                               4:22.66   (6)                               7:38.74   (6)                               
Andreas Fischer      Neo      40.29     (6)                                                          2:08.26   (10)                              4:27.68   (10)                              7:37.18   (5)                               
Andreas Dietel       A2       41.30     (9)                                                          2:05.45   (9)                               4:25.02   (8)                               7:42.98   (8)                               
Andreas Ehrig        A2       39.79     (4)                                                          2:04.67   (3)                               4:17.22   (1)                               7:28.21   (1)                               
Ulf Mademann         A1       40.17     (5)                                                          2:04.92   (5)                               4:25.66   (9)                               8:00.30   (10)                              
Pavel Pegov          Neo      39.75     (3)                                                          2:04.94   (6)                               4:21.89   (5)                               7:44.76   (9)                               
Jevgenij Solunskij   Neo      1:18.46   (10)                                                         2:04.95   (7)                               4:20.31   (4)                               7:33.24   (3)                               
Nikolaj Kuzmenko     Senior   39.38     (2)                                                          2:04.43   (2)                               4:17.51   (2)                               7:41.51   (7)                               
Sergej Balasjov      Neo      40.67     (7)                                                          2:04.74   (4)                               4:23.61   (7)                               7:33.90   (4)                               
Vladimir.54 Belov    Senior   39.29     (1)                                                          2:02.15   (1)                               4:18.76   (3)                               7:30.33   (2)                               
Harald Oehme         Senior                    39.96                (1)   1:21.60              (1)                    2:06.38              (1)                                                                                           
Jürgen Warnicke      Neo                       41.44                (3)                                               2:06.62              (2)                    4:19.45              (2)                    7:43.87              (3)   
Andre Fritzsche      Neo                       42.72                (6)                                               2:10.18              (6)                    4:26.04              (3)                    7:36.50              (2)   
Uwe Sauerteig        Neo                       41.46                (4)                                               2:06.79              (3)                    4:18.40              (1)                    7:28.23              (1)   
Michael Hannig       A2                        41.47                (5)                                               2:09.44              (5)                    4:26.29              (4)                    7:45.57              (4)   
Heiko Walther        A2                        41.06                (2)                                               2:08.17              (4)                    4:34.82              (5)                    7:46.56              (5)   

NAME                              AG       500M           500M                       1000M            1000M                      1500M            1500M                      3000M            3000M                      
                                                          Out of Competition                          Out of Competition                          Out of Competition                          Out of Competition         
Marion Dittmann                   Neo      43.71   (5)                               1:29.57   (5)                               2:17.99   (7)                               4:50.29   (1)                               
Andrea Eichel                     Neo      43.67   (4)                               1:31.74   (9)                               2:17.72   (6)                               5:05.37   (10)                              
Beate Romstedt                    A1       44.32   (9)                               1:30.48   (7)                               2:20.48   (8)                               4:56.15   (4)                               
Birgit Czak                       B2       45.04   (10)                              1:31.42   (8)                               2:22.23   (9)                               4:59.16   (8)                               
Sylvia Albrecht                   B1       43.10   (1)                               1:29.77   (6)                               2:15.48   (3)                               4:58.23   (6)                               
Tatjana Barabasj-Averina          Senior   43.41   (3)                               1:29.22   (2)                               2:17.18   (5)                               4:58.89   (7)                               
Natalja Petrusjova                Neo      43.89   (7)                               1:26.86   (1)                               2:14.04   (2)                               4:51.76   (2)                               
Valentina Lalenkova-Golovenkina   Neo      43.79   (6)                               1:29.29   (3)                               2:13.98   (1)                               4:52.34   (3)                               
Ljubov Tsjujeva-Pogodajeva        Senior   43.38   (2)                               1:31.99   (10)                              2:23.46   (10)                              4:56.91   (5)                               
Galina Petrova-Blinkova           Neo      44.01   (8)                               1:29.48   (4)                               2:16.99   (4)                               5:04.36   (9)                               
Antje Heck                        Neo                     44.96                (4)                    1:32.30              (3)                    2:25.09              (6)                    4:59.57              (3)   
Cornelia Lammerz                  Neo                     45.15                (6)                    1:33.19              (5)                    2:24.63              (5)                    5:17.63              (6)   
Ria Illgen                        A2                      44.85                (3)                    1:32.76              (4)                    2:20.92              (3)                    5:06.79              (5)   
Sabine Becker                     A2                      44.53                (2)                    1:30.79              (2)                    2:17.06              (1)                    4:46.52              (1)   
Gabi Schönbrunn                   A1                      45.10                (5)                    1:34.59              (6)                    2:23.34              (4)                    5:05.13              (4)   
Karin Enke                        A1                      44.12                (1)                    1:30.63              (1)                    2:19.40              (2)                    4:53.87              (2)