Competition: Country Match Estonia - Latvia

  • 21 athletes from 2 nations
  • 9 women and 12 men
  • 6 distances (10000m, 1000m, 1500m, 3000m, 5000m, 500m)
  • 84 races

Text view of the competition results

Country Match Estonia - Latvia
15. - 16.02.1964
Vidus Ezers (Abuls) (LAT)

Big Combination (Men), 15. - 16.02.1964

POS   NAME            AG       NAT   500M             5000M                1500M                10000M                POINTS    DIFF     RECORDS   
1     Janis Duvins    Neo      URS   47.70   (2)      9:10.70   (1)   TR   2:29.40   (1)   TR   18:31.20   (1)   TR   208.130            TR        
2     Pavels Fomins   n/a      URS   -                9:19.40   (2)        -                    20:01.70              215.368   +7.238   SB        
3     Ants Saks       Neo      URS   -                9:20.00   (3)        -                    18:47.50   (2)        215.575   +7.445             
      Boris Rogalis   Senior   URS   -                -                    -                    18:50.30   (3)   SB   -                            
      Vello Volmer    Senior   URS   -                -                    2:32.50   (3)        -                     -                            
      Endel Vaha      M30      URS   47.60   (1)      -                    -                    -                     -                            
      Gunars Egle     Senior   URS   48.30   (3)      -                    2:31.60   (2)        -                     -                            

Small Combination (Men), 15. - 16.02.1964

POS   NAME              AG   NAT   500M                3000M                 1500M                 5000M                    POINTS    DIFF      RECORDS   
1     Janis Missa       A2   URS   48.20   (1)   TRJ   5:23.40   (1)   TRJ   2:32.70   (1)   TRJ   8:55.20   (1)   TR, SB   206.520             TR, SB    
2     Imants Stradins   A2   URS   51.40         PB    5:42.40   (2)         2:37.50   (2)         9:20.40   (2)            217.006   +10.486   SB        
3     Meinhard Saks     A2   URS   50.00   (3)         -                     -                     9:35.50   (3)   PB       219.783   +13.263             
      Andris Gaze       A2   URS   49.80   (2)   PB    -                     -                     -                        -                             
      Aldis Duvins      B2   URS   -                   5:48.80   (3)         2:40.30   (3)         -                        -                             

Mini Combination (Women), 15. - 16.02.1964

POS   NAME                          AG       NAT   500M               1500M                1000M                3000M                POINTS    DIFF      RECORDS   
1     Arija Gulite                  Neo      URS   51.60   (1)   TR   2:44.40   (1)   TR   1:43.20   (1)   TR   5:53.30   (1)   TR   216.833                       
2     Tamara Jemeljanova-Brõnova    Senior   URS   54.20   (2)        2:53.30   (2)        1:48.80   (2)        6:07.40   (3)        227.599   +10.766             
3     Mai Valdin                    Senior   URS   54.60   (3)        2:55.30   (3)        1:50.80   (3)        5:59.80   (2)        228.399   +11.566             

Mini Combination (Women), 15. - 16.02.1964

POS   NAME              AG    NAT   500M                1500M                     1000M                     3000M                     POINTS    DIFF      RECORDS   
1     Janina Romanova   A1    URS   57.30   (1)   TRJ   3:09.20   (1)   TRJ, SB   -                         6:31.90   (1)   TRJ, SB   245.282             SB        
2     Lauma Lejte       A1    URS   -                   3:13.50   (2)             -                         6:33.40   (2)             253.466   +8.184              
3     Mudite Dimza      B1    URS   59.50   (3)         -                         -                         -                         256.382   +11.100             
      Helle Aagi        A1    URS   -                   -                         -                         6:50.30   (3)   SB        -                             
      Inta Bekere       Neo   URS   -                   3:15.40   (3)   PB        2:03.40   (2)   PB        -                         -                             
      Dzintra Gaile     B1    URS   59.20   (2)   PB    -                         2:04.10   (3)   TRJ, PB   -                         -                             

Country Match Estonia - Latvia
15. - 16.02.1964
Vidus Ezers (Abuls) (LAT)

NAME              AG       500M          500M           1500M           1500M           3000M           5000M           5000M           10000M           
                                         Junior                         Junior          Junior                          Junior                           
Janis Duvins      Neo      47.70   (2)                  2:29.40   (1)                                   9:10.70   (1)                   18:31.20   (1)   
Ants Saks         Neo                                                                                   9:20.00   (3)                   18:47.50   (2)   
Vello Volmer      Senior                                2:32.50   (3)                                                                                    
Boris Rogalis     Senior                                                                                                                18:50.30   (3)   
Gunars Egle       Senior   48.30   (3)                  2:31.60   (2)                                                                                    
Endel Vaha        M30      47.60   (1)                                                                                                                   
Pavels Fomins     n/a                                                                                   9:19.40   (2)                   20:01.70         
Janis Missa       A2                     48.20    (1)                   2:32.70   (1)   5:23.40   (1)                   8:55.20   (1)                    
Meinhard Saks     A2                     50.00    (3)                                                                   9:35.50   (3)                    
Aldis Duvins      B2                                                    2:40.30   (3)   5:48.80   (3)                                                    
Andris Gaze       A2                     49.80    (2)                                                                                                    
Imants Stradins   A2                     51.40                          2:37.50   (2)   5:42.40   (2)                   9:20.40   (2)                    

NAME                          AG       500M          500M           1000M           1000M           1500M           1500M           3000M           3000M           
                                                     Junior                         Junior                          Junior                          Junior          
Arija Gulite                  Neo      51.60   (1)                  1:43.20   (1)                   2:44.40   (1)                   5:53.30   (1)                   
Tamara Jemeljanova-Brõnova    Senior   54.20   (2)                  1:48.80   (2)                   2:53.30   (2)                   6:07.40   (3)                   
Mai Valdin                    Senior   54.60   (3)                  1:50.80   (3)                   2:55.30   (3)                   5:59.80   (2)                   
Lauma Lejte                   A1                                                                                    3:13.50   (2)                   6:33.40   (2)   
Mudite Dimza                  B1                     59.50    (3)                                                                                                   
Inta Bekere                   Neo                                                   2:03.40   (2)                   3:15.40   (3)                                   
Dzintra Gaile                 B1                     59.20    (2)                   2:04.10   (3)                                                                   
Helle Aagi                    A1                                                                                                                    6:50.30   (3)   
Janina Romanova               A1                     57.30    (1)                                                   3:09.20   (1)                   6:31.90   (1)