Competition: Championships Lithunia SSR

  • 8 athletes from 1 nation
  • 4 women and 4 men
  • 5 distances (1000m, 1500m, 3000m, 5000m, 500m)
  • 32 races

Text view of the competition results

Championships Lithunia SSR
14. - 15.02.1970
Central Stadion (LTU)

Small Combination (Men), 14. - 15.02.1970

POS   NAME                   AG       NAT   500M               3000M                1500M                5000M                POINTS    DIFF     RECORDS   
1     Ljudas Baradas         Senior   URS   45.60   (1)   SB   5:03.50   (1)   SB   2:21.90   (1)   SB   8:35.50   (1)   SB   195.366            SB        
2     M Sazanskis            n/a      URS   45.80   (2)   SB   5:24.30         PB   2:30.50   (3)   PB   8:59.60   (3)   PB   203.976   +8.610   PB        
3     Ivan Petkhotskin       n/a      URS   48.90         SB   5:21.10   (3)   PB   2:28.10   (2)   SB   8:46.00   (2)   PB   204.382   +9.016   PB        
      Ferdinand Petsjuljus   Senior   URS   46.90   (3)   PB   5:20.90   (2)   PB   -                    -                    -                            

Mini Combination (Women), 14. - 15.02.1970

POS   NAME                AG       NAT   500M               1500M                1000M                3000M                POINTS    DIFF     RECORDS   
1     Irena Skinderaite   n/a      URS   53.00   (1)   SB   2:55.80   (1)   SB   1:50.30   (1)   SB   6:06.40   (1)   PB   227.816            SB        
2     R Vaivadaite        n/a      URS   55.50   (3)   PB   2:58.20   (2)   PB   1:53.30   (3)   PB   6:12.00   (3)   PB   233.550   +5.734   PB        
3     Gene Paskeviciute   Senior   URS   54.60   (2)   PB   -                    1:52.70   (2)   PB   -                    236.683   +8.867   PB        
      T Dargevic          n/a      URS   -                  2:58.60   (3)   SB   -                    6:11.70   (2)   SB   -                            

Championships Lithunia SSR
14. - 15.02.1970
Central Stadion (LTU)

NAME                   AG       500M          1500M           3000M           5000M           
Ljudas Baradas         Senior   45.60   (1)   2:21.90   (1)   5:03.50   (1)   8:35.50   (1)   
Ivan Petkhotskin       n/a      48.90         2:28.10   (2)   5:21.10   (3)   8:46.00   (2)   
Ferdinand Petsjuljus   Senior   46.90   (3)                   5:20.90   (2)                   
M Sazanskis            n/a      45.80   (2)   2:30.50   (3)   5:24.30         8:59.60   (3)   

NAME                AG       500M          1000M           1500M           3000M           
T Dargevic          n/a                                    2:58.60   (3)   6:11.70   (2)   
Gene Paskeviciute   Senior   54.60   (2)   1:52.70   (2)                                   
Irena Skinderaite   n/a      53.00   (1)   1:50.30   (1)   2:55.80   (1)   6:06.40   (1)   
R Vaivadaite        n/a      55.50   (3)   1:53.30   (3)   2:58.20   (2)   6:12.00   (3)