Competition: Austrian Youth Allround Championships 2005

Innsbruck (AUT)
12. - 13.02.2005
  • 15 athletes from 1 nation
  • 7 women and 8 men
  • 14 distances (1000m, 1000m (1. Race), 1000m (2. Race), 100m, 100m (2. Race), 1500m, 3000m, 300m, 300m (1. Race), 300m (2. Race), 500m, 500m (1. Race), 500m (2. Race), 700m)
  • 60 races

Text view of the competition results

Austrian Youth Allround Championships 2005
12. - 13.02.2005
Olympia Eisstadion (AUT)

Allround (Women), 12. - 13.02.2005

POS   NAME              AG   NAT   100M               300M               100M 2. RACE            500M               POINTS    DIFF      RECORDS   
1     Vanessa Bittner   F2   AUT   14.07   (1)        35.66   (1)   SB   14.41          (1)      57.92   (1)   SB   122.060                       
2     Nicole Hahn       F2   AUT   15.61   (2)   SB   40.22   (2)   PB   15.76          (2)      58.12   (2)   PB   129.710   +7.650              
3     Daniela Bittner   F1   AUT   19.26   (3)        47.87   (3)        16.97          (3)      58.32   (3)   SB   142.420   +20.360             
4     Sarah Samel       F1   AUT   19.50   (4)   SB   52.63   (4)        21.05          (4)      58.42   (4)   PB   151.600   +29.540             

Allround (Women), 12. - 13.02.2005

POS   NAME            AG   NAT   100M               300M 1. RACE            300M 2. RACE            500M               POINTS    DIFF   RECORDS   
1     Julia Holzner   E2   AUT   16.21   (1)   PB   43.83          (1)      43.37          (1)      55.69   (1)   PB   159.100                    

Sprint Combination (Women), 12. - 13.02.2005

POS   NAME            AG   NAT   500M 1. RACE            1000M 1. RACE              500M 2. RACE            1000M 2. RACE            POINTS    DIFF   RECORDS   
1     Samantha Kern   C1   AUT   51.75          (1)      1:45.65         (1)   SB   52.94          (1)      1:51.02         (1)      213.025                    

Allround (Women), 12. - 13.02.2005

POS   NAME                AG   NAT   500M             1000M              700M                 1500M              POINTS    DIFF   RECORDS   
1     Martina Windhager   B1   AUT   44.70   (1)      1:31.26   (1)      1:04.66   (1)   PB   2:29.15   (1)      186.231                    

Allround (Men), 12. - 13.02.2005

POS   NAME                     AG   NAT   100M               300M               100M 2. RACE            500M               POINTS    DIFF      RECORDS   
1     Linus Heidegger          F2   AUT   13.96   (1)   SB   38.19   (1)   SB   17.50          (2)      58.02   (1)   SB   127.670                       
2     Matthias Samel-Bittner   F2   AUT   16.76   (2)   SB   47.07   (2)   SB   17.23          (1)      58.22   (2)   SB   139.280   +11.610             
3     Patrick Abentung         E1   AUT   18.64   (3)   SB   53.11   (3)   SB   19.22          (3)      58.52   (3)   PB   149.490   +21.820             

Allround (Men), 12. - 13.02.2005

POS   NAME            AG   NAT   100M               300M 1. RACE              300M 2. RACE            500M               POINTS    DIFF   RECORDS   
1     Anton Weithas   E1   AUT   14.55   (1)   SB   39.11          (1)   SB   39.81          (1)      55.59   (1)   SB   149.060                    

Sprint Combination (Men), 12. - 13.02.2005

POS   NAME                 AG   NAT   500M 1. RACE            1000M 1. RACE            500M 2. RACE            1000M 2. RACE            POINTS    DIFF   RECORDS   
1     Andreas Mayerhofer   B1   AUT   45.52          (1)      1:35.06         (1)      46.52          (1)      1:34.84         (1)      186.990                    

Mini Combination (Men), 12. - 13.02.2005

POS   NAME                AG   NAT   500M             1500M              1000M              3000M              POINTS    DIFF     RECORDS   
1     Stephan Bittner     B2   AUT   40.43   (1)      2:03.73   (1)      1:21.92   (1)      4:42.97   (2)      169.794                      
2     Christian Pichler   B1   AUT   40.98   (2)      2:04.29   (2)      1:23.34   (2)      4:38.21   (1)      170.448   +0.654             
3     Denny Thallner      B2   AUT   42.06   (3)      2:08.08   (3)      1:25.27   (3)      5:00.04   (3)      177.394   +7.600             

Austrian Youth Allround Championships 2005
12. - 13.02.2005
Olympia Eisstadion (AUT)

NAME                     AG   100M (2. RACE)         100M             100M             300M (1. RACE)         300M (2. RACE)         300M             500M (1. RACE)         500M (2. RACE)         500M             500M             500M             1000M (1. RACE)         1000M (2. RACE)         1000M            1500M            3000M            
                              Junior E               Junior E         Junior D         Junior D               Junior D               Junior E         Junior C               Junior C               Junior E         Junior D         Junior B         Junior C                Junior C                Junior B         Junior B         Junior B         
Linus Heidegger          F2   17.50            (2)   13.96      (1)                                                                  38.19      (1)                                                 58.02      (1)                                                                                                                                        
Matthias Samel-Bittner   F2   17.23            (1)   16.76      (2)                                                                  47.07      (2)                                                 58.22      (2)                                                                                                                                        
Patrick Abentung         E1   19.22            (3)   18.64      (3)                                                                  53.11      (3)                                                 58.52      (3)                                                                                                                                        
Anton Weithas            E1                                           14.55      (1)   39.11            (1)   39.81            (1)                                                                                   55.59      (1)                                                                                                                       
Andreas Mayerhofer       B1                                                                                                                           45.52            (1)   46.52            (1)                                                      1:35.06           (1)   1:34.84           (1)                                                      
Christian Pichler        B1                                                                                                                                                                                                           40.98      (2)                                                   1:23.34    (2)   2:04.29    (2)   4:38.21    (1)   
Denny Thallner           B2                                                                                                                                                                                                           42.06      (3)                                                   1:25.27    (3)   2:08.08    (3)   5:00.04    (3)   
Stephan Bittner          B2                                                                                                                                                                                                           40.43      (1)                                                   1:21.92    (1)   2:03.73    (1)   4:42.97    (2)   

NAME                AG   100M (2. RACE)         100M             100M             300M (1. RACE)         300M (2. RACE)         300M             500M (1. RACE)         500M (2. RACE)         500M             500M             500M             700M             1000M (1. RACE)         1000M (2. RACE)         1000M            1500M            
                         Junior E               Junior E         Junior D         Junior D               Junior D               Junior E         Junior C               Junior C               Junior E         Junior D         Junior B         Junior B         Junior C                Junior C                Junior B         Junior B         
Nicole Hahn         F2   15.76            (2)   15.61      (2)                                                                  40.22      (2)                                                 58.12      (2)                                                                                                                                        
Vanessa Bittner     F2   14.41            (1)   14.07      (1)                                                                  35.66      (1)                                                 57.92      (1)                                                                                                                                        
Sarah Samel         F1   21.05            (4)   19.50      (4)                                                                  52.63      (4)                                                 58.42      (4)                                                                                                                                        
Daniela Bittner     F1   16.97            (3)   19.26      (3)                                                                  47.87      (3)                                                 58.32      (3)                                                                                                                                        
Julia Holzner       E2                                           16.21      (1)   43.83            (1)   43.37            (1)                                                                                   55.69      (1)                                                                                                                       
Samantha Kern       C1                                                                                                                           51.75            (1)   52.94            (1)                                                                       1:45.65           (1)   1:51.02           (1)                                     
Martina Windhager   B1                                                                                                                                                                                                           44.70      (1)   1:04.66    (1)                                                   1:31.26    (1)   2:29.15    (1)