Competition: ASK competition

  • 10 athletes from 1 nation
  • 10 men
  • 2 distances (5000m, 500m)
  • 22 races (2x mit DNF/DNS/DQ)

Text view of the competition results

ASK competition
ASK (RDKA - Dinamo- RVR) Stadion (LAT)

Allround (Men), 10.01.1929

POS   NAME                  AG       NAT   500M                 5000M                 POINTS    DIFF      RECORDS   
1     Alberts Rumba         M35      LAT   48.80     (1)        10:04.40   (2)        109.240                       
2     Vitolds Savics        Senior   LAT   51.50     (2)   PB   10:22.00   (4)   PB   113.700   +4.460              
3     Alfred Lukstinš       M35      LAT   54.00     (5)        10:01.00   (1)        114.100   +4.860              
4     Vilis Cimmermanis     M30      LAT   53.50     (4)        10:27.50   (5)        116.250   +7.010              
5     Janis Vilits          n/a      LAT   52.40     (3)   SB   10:51.40   (6)        117.540   +8.300              
6     Augusts Baraks        Neo      LAT   59.00     (8)        10:51.80   (7)   SB   124.179   +14.939             
7     Jānis Dravnieks       n/a      LAT   57.30     (6)   SB   11:30.00   (8)   SB   126.300   +17.060             
8     J Abels               n/a      LAT   1:01.80   (9)   SB   12:16.00   (9)   SB   135.400   +26.160             
      Herberts Bertulsons   Senior   LAT   -                    10:20.50   (3)   SB   -                             
      ? Simanovics          n/a      LAT   58.10     (7)   PB   -                     -                             

ASK competition
ASK (RDKA - Dinamo- RVR) Stadion (LAT)

NAME                  AG       500M            5000M            
Alberts Rumba         M35      48.80     (1)   10:04.40   (2)   
Alfred Lukstinš       M35      54.00     (5)   10:01.00   (1)   
Jānis Dravnieks       n/a      57.30     (6)   11:30.00   (8)   
Augusts Baraks        Neo      59.00     (8)   10:51.80   (7)   
Vilis Cimmermanis     M30      53.50     (4)   10:27.50   (5)   
Janis Vilits          n/a      52.40     (3)   10:51.40   (6)   
Vitolds Savics        Senior   51.50     (2)   10:22.00   (4)   
Herberts Bertulsons   Senior   DNF             10:20.50   (3)   
? Simanovics          n/a      58.10     (7)   DNF              
J Abels               n/a      1:01.80   (9)   12:16.00   (9)